Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Kan Ban Store Cupboard Method

You know when go to cook one of your regular recipes, but you are missing an ingredient? This is a simple way to avoid this.
Pick one of your regular recipes with mainly store cupboard ingredients. If is is all fresh stuff, there is no point in adding it to this list as you will have to go to the shops anyway. Buy all of the stuff that you will need in enough quantity that you will be able to make the recipe once. Then when you use up an item you write it on your shopping list. This way you never run out of the store cupboard stuff. I keep my shopping list in my phone, so I always have it handy if I get to the shops.
Just add additional recipes to the list and amalgamate the ingredients required. There is no need to double up on stuff that is in both recipes as you will end up with heaps of stuff that you won't use. Just make sure you replace what is used up.
Over time you will end up with a better stocked store cupboard and be able to make some nice recipes.
This technique is called the Kan Ban Store Cupboard Method after the stocking system used in Toyota.

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