Monday, September 27, 2010

Slug traps baited with beer

I have written about the effectiveness of beer as a slug attractor (and subsequent drowner) before, but this weekend I caught hundreds of the slimy critters with just 3 traps. I didn't even think there were many slugs out there, but obviously I was wrong.
I used home brew, but any beer is fine. The cheaper the better of course, don't reckon slugs and snails are fussy.
To make a trap get a large plastic plant pot saucer. These are for holding the water at the bottom of the plant, but they work fine to make a slug trap. Dig a shallow hole roughly the size of the saucer at the spot where you want to catch the slugs. Press the saucer into the hole until the edges are level with the surrounding soil. Then half fill the saucer with beer.
You need to make sure that the rain is kept off these as a good shower will dilute the beer beyond usefulness. I made a few small table like structures out of some wood I found thrown in a ditch, but a small piece of board sloped over the saucer with a rock under one side to keep it tilted should be fine. The benefit of my little roofs is that they are heavy and so don't blow about when it's windy.
Every few days visit your traps and collect the slugs that are around and especially under the saucer. Top up with beer if necessary, but a single shot should last a week or so.
I plop the slugs into a large jar with some salted water in it. This kills them and I put the lid on and keep the jar in the garden until my next collection. When the jar fills up I just throw it in the bin. I don't like the idea of burying the dead slugs in the garden in case any eggs survive. I am not even sure if this is possible, but better to be safe then sorry. Besides, rotten slug stinks and I don't want it lying around the garden.
After a few weeks of using these the number that you are catching should fall off sharply. This is a much better way than using slug pellets which are pretty toxic.

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