Monday, September 26, 2011

Aubergine and Chickpea curry

This is bubbling away on the hob as I type.
It is cooked in a fairly traditional Indian way, meaning that it uses a ton of oil. I always avoid 'overdoing it' - it is only Monday afterall :) and this is sometimes a bad idea. The technique here is to fry the seeds - mustard and cumin - in hot oil. This causes them to pop and negates the need to crush them. However when you do this with less than a full layer of oil across the bottom of the pot they can easily burn. My eyes were stinging when I made this, but I think that was just the chilis cooking. Just did a test taste and it tastes very nice. Spicy, but nice. I used 2 bird eye chillis in mine and a bit more cayenne than the recipe called for. The 'bit more' problem comes from not using a spoon to measure the spices, but instead tipping them into my had and trying to get it roughly right. Making a curry afterall should not be a science experiment.
It's for tomorrow, so I will add a few tablespoons of yogurt to it before we eat it tomorrow - try to cool it down a little. Serve it with some white basmati rice.

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